Tania is a recent graduate from CSULA. I feel fortunate to have done her graduation pictures. She has a beautiful and warming story that I feel can be inspiration for everyone. In her own words this is her story:

"Every time her smile stretches from ear to ear, her eyes sparkle as she looks directly into my eyes and says, “I am so proud of you.” I feel a million butterflies in my stomach.
It is her who keeps me strong! Her name is Kylie; my three-year old daughter. I became a mother at the age of 19 and knew I had to change the cycle, for her. I have always wanted to be more than just a statistic. I envisioned a better future for my daughter than the one I could offer her then. I did not want my daughter to be just another statistic or lack educational resources.
So, I decided it was time to start a new cycle of life. I had to begin a different process to receive a different outcome.

Becoming a mother at a young age was not easy, I couldn’t even afford to buy diapers and formula cans because I had no job. I knew that was not the life I wanted for my daughter and for myself. Just a month after giving birth, I went back to school determined to become someone
in life. I have cried a million times, doubted myself and felt like giving up. It hasn’t been easy.
I have sacrificed time I could have spent with my daughter, missed some of her milestones and doctor appointments because I had to dedicate myself to school.
Today, I am the first in my
family to hold 2 associate degrees, receive a bachelor’s degree and to have the opportunity to pursue a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. As a 22-year old Latina mother, and first- generation student I have faced multiple barriers. However, I have always been and still remain motivated, self-driven and passionate about mine and my daughter’s future"
She has accomplished so much and she is still not done. Her story doesn't end with this diploma, and that is just what gives inspiration. The spirit of a warrior who won't stop fighting until she achieves her victory. Will it be easy? No nothing is but she will make it because of her resilience and above all her family.
